Thursday, June 19, 2008

Orphan Works

There have been a lot of e-mails circulating around the web about the Orphan Works bill. The Senate version is just plain unacceptable, but there is a lot more to the House bill than a lot of people realize.

In short, whether we want it or not, there are more of the BIG business people out there than there are of us photographers. We currently have a subcommittee head who is sympathetic to our plight; he is moving on to another subcommittee, and the likely replacements are not at all sympathetic to our needs.

Please read the article I wrote a few weeks ago on the subject to get more of the ins and outs than are being published by those e-mails.

One thing I am not sure I mentioned before; I have fought hard for copyright issues, having worked at the grass roots level when Barney Frank was head of the subcommittee, to make sure photographers got the best legislation possible. I don't like this bill any more than anyone else, but unlike some, I am a realist. The next version will be far worse if we go that route!

--Margo Pinkerto, President ASMP/NC

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